
You Are Greater Than You Realize. You Are More Powerful Within Than You Give Yourself Credit For.

It’s been said you can only take people as far as you’ve gone yourself.

I’ve been there. I have physically been to where I carried so much pain and trauma in my body that my physical body was dying. I was gray and lifeless. I was dying externally in my life (and body) because internally, I was dying.

Everything represented on the outside has a root to something deep inside.

Experiencing a lot of trauma and loss and witnessing strong contentious relationships while growing up created an internal battle within me. I didn’t know who I was. I didn’t know who loved me or what love truly was, so how could I love myself or others? One of our basic human needs is to be safe, to belong. I sought internal stability and rest, yet seeking “rest” with a “doing approach” only led to greater physical and mental exhaustion.

Life is actually a lot of fun!

I’ve come to find in myself and countless patients I encountered that until we come to a place within ourselves and understand who we truly are and who we are created to be, we will remain on the path that’s not fulfilling our destiny. We will continue to break ourselves down, adding to physical sickness and disease. Our bodies are miraculous and can heal! Over time, small lifestyle adjustments along with internal work, fosters healing. You will thrive, not just strive to survive. Proper foundational life habits in alignment with how we are created can bring tremendous health and healing to our spirit, soul, and body.

Why are people struggling?

With our current society and relentless demands of work, life, and never-ending responsibilities, many have tried to help their health and wellness, but it is no longer working. People are seeking something more significant. 95% of our behaviors are habits, both unconsciously and in reaction to the external environment or other factors. There’s a struggle to make lasting changes. Even when the need to change is evident, and the intentions are strong, we fall short, and the cycle repeats. This is a problem; people are simply told to eat fewer calories or take this medicine. If that approach worked, it would’ve worked already.

Everything around us and within us is a message.

My desire, my life purpose, is to help you find life again. To experience freedom in living again. To root up and dismantle your painful challenges (life and health) and plant and build what you were created for, what you desire to have. Everything around you and within you is a message to you.

Through my personal experience (a living testimony), a decade in nursing, and passionate and deliberate education in medicine, nutrition, relationships, and biblical knowledge, I know and believe that people want practical ways to achieve health and life change.

You are not broken. You are greater than you realize. You are more powerful within than you give yourself credit for.

As a Coach, it’s not about me. It’s about you! As your coach, I help you find balance, discover happiness and fulfillment, and get to where you want to be!

“ You are greater than you realize. You were more powerful within than you give yourself credit for.”

It’s been said you can only take people as far as you’ve gone yourself.

I’ve been there. I have physically been to where I carried so much pain and trauma in my body that my physical body was dying. I was great and lifeless. I was dying externally in my life (and body) because internally, I was dying.

Everything represented on the outside has a root to something deep inside.

Experiencing a lot of trauma and loss and witnessing strong contentions growing up created an internal battle within me. I didn’t know who I was. I didn’t know who loved me or what love truly was, so how could I love myself or others? One of our basic human needs is to be safe- to belong. I sought internal stability and rest, yet seeking “rest” with a doing approach only led to greater physical and mental exhaustion.

Life is a lot of fun!

I’ve come to find in myself and countless patients I encountered that until we come to a place within ourselves and understand who we truly are and who we are created to be, we will remain on the path that’s not fulfilling our destiny. We will continue to break ourselves down, adding to sickness and disease physically. Our bodies are miraculous and can heal with proper internal and external care. Small lifestyle habits adjustments along with internal work overtime, healing, and thriving replace striving. Proper foundational life habits in alignment with how we are created can bring tremendous health and healing to our spirit, soul, and body.

Why are people struggling?

With our current society and relentless demands of work, life, and never-ending responsibilities, many have tried to help their health and wellness, but it is no longer working. People are seeking something more significant. 95% of our behaviors are habits, both unconsciously and in reaction to the external environment or other factors. There’s a struggle to make lasting changes. Even when the need to change is evident, and the intentions are strong, we fall short, and the cycle repeats. This is a problem; people are often told to eat fewer calories or take this medicine. If the approach worked, it would’ve worked already.

Everything around us and within us is a message.

My desire, my purpose, is to help you find life again and freedom. To root up and pull down painful challenges (in life and health) and plant and build what you were created and desire to have through my living example and passionate and deliberate research in medicine, nursing (as a psychiatric RN and emergency room RN), Nutrition, relationships, and spirituality. I’ve understood that people want practical ways to achieve health changes. I’ve come to understand and learn daily skills that people can use to help them lose weight, gain energy, find meaning and purpose, and transform their lives.

As a Coach, it’s not about me. It’s about you! As your coach, I hope you get there! I will help you discover individual ways that you can use to get the transformation you desire!

About Us

Hi, I’m Atusa…

Transformation-Within is a powerful coaching method that unlocks the potential for personal growth and transformation. Through innovative approaches and resources, we guide individuals on a heartfelt journey toward self-discovery and empowerment. Our tailored programs provide practical strategies for overcoming challenges, improving health, enhancing mental well-being, and fostering resilience. With a holistic bio-psycho-social and spiritual approach, we create a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can discover their true potential, stretch their capacity, and significantly change their health and lives. Join us at Transformation-Within and embark on a transformative journey towards a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Change can be scary, unsettling, and fearful. Your feelings and experiences are valid and helpful in your journey. Our body and brain have protective mechanisms, that sometimes interfere with our ability to change, preferring to remain attached to what’s familiar.

There’s a process on the path to transformation.

Our Mission

At Transformation-Within, our mission is rooted in the belief that true freedom and thriving are attainable for all. We are committed to guiding individuals on a journey of self-discovery, equipping them with the tools and insights needed to overcome obstacles, unlock their potential, and cultivate a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Our Vision

At Transformation-Within, our vision is to create a world where individuals are empowered to embrace their inner strength, cultivate resilience, and live authentically aligned with their true purpose. We envision a society where holistic well-being is prioritized, and individuals are supported in their journey of self-discovery.

Why Choose Us


We are committed to guiding individuals on a journey of self-discovery, equipping them with the tools and insights needed to overcome obstacles, unlock their potential, and cultivate a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Our Approach

Our holistic approach addresses the interconnectedness of these dimensions, fostering.

Personalized Support

We understand that each individual is unique, with distinct needs and aspirations.

Our Commitment

We are committed to guiding individuals on a journey of self-discovery, equipping them.


With years of nursing experience, coupled with specialized training in coaching and spiritual guidance.

Holistic Approach

We recognize that true well-being encompasses mind, body, and spirit.

Our Experience

Our experience of nursing, coupled with specialized training in coaching.

Professional Expertise

With a background in nursing, including experience in psychiatric and emergency medicine.

Personalized Support

Transformation-Within understand that every individual is unique, with distinct needs, goals, and challenges.

Holistic Well-being

Our holistic approach addresses all aspects of your well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Empowerment and Growth

Our mission is to empower you to unlock
your full potential, overcome obstacles,
and live a life of purpose.

Compassionate Guidance

We approach our work with compassion, empathy, and non-judgment, creating
a safe and supportive space.

Proven Results

Our clients have experienced profound transformations in their lives, from improved health and relationships.